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infringement suit中文是什么意思

用"infringement suit"造句"infringement suit"怎么读"infringement suit" in a sentence


  • 侵权诉讼


  • Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case
  • In 1973 a judge ruled in a patent infringement suit that their research was the source of most of the ideas for the modern computer
  • Yamasaki partners delivers complete legal services , that is , pre - application consulting through dispute resolutions , such as infringement suits involving intellectual properties such as patents , designs , and trademarks , and issues of unfair competition , copyright , and legal services for most business areas . yamasaki partners always tries to give fair and competitive prices to clients in view of their circumstances
    山崎律师专利事务所yamasaki partners以合理的价格为日本欧美中国等各国客户提供发明实用新型外观设计商标著作权反不正当竞争等有关知识产权从专利申请到纠纷的解决企业法务等方面的法律服务。
用"infringement suit"造句  


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